Linux Commands System

Linux Commands System

List of system related commands:   Show name of system: uname -a — Kernel release information: uname -r — Release os information: cat /etc/os-release — Release all etc information: cat /etc/*release — Check who is currently logged in: last...
Linux Commands Memory

Linux Commands Memory

Memory Swaps: [See swap info in system] swapon -s or cat /proc/swaps —— [To see all partitions (including swap memory partition)] lsblk -o TYPE,NAME,KNAME,UUID,MOUNTPOINT,SIZE  —— [To see used and free swap memory] free -h  —— [To...
Linux Commands Disk

Linux Commands Disk

Here is a Linux Commands list that are Disk related. Ejoy! Check disk usage in human readible format: df -h Uses du to find and sort the biggest files: du -d 1 -h | sort -h Uses du to search folder /usr and sort the biggest files in there: du -a /usr | sort -n -r |...