10 Tips On How To Become DevOps or SysOps

10 Tips On How To Become DevOps or SysOps

10 Tips on How to Become a DevOps or SysOps Professional The roles of DevOps and SysOps professionals are pivotal in modern IT environments. Both positions focus on streamlining processes, ensuring system reliability, and enhancing the development lifecycle. If...
Linux Commands System

Linux Commands System

List of system related commands:   Show name of system: uname -a — Kernel release information: uname -r — Release os information: cat /etc/os-release — Release all etc information: cat /etc/*release — Check who is currently logged in: last...
Linux Commands Memory

Linux Commands Memory

Memory Swaps: [See swap info in system] swapon -s or cat /proc/swaps —— [To see all partitions (including swap memory partition)] lsblk -o TYPE,NAME,KNAME,UUID,MOUNTPOINT,SIZE  —— [To see used and free swap memory] free -h  —— [To...
Linux Commands Disk

Linux Commands Disk

Here is a Linux Commands list that are Disk related. Ejoy! Check disk usage in human readible format: df -h Uses du to find and sort the biggest files: du -d 1 -h | sort -h Uses du to search folder /usr and sort the biggest files in there: du -a /usr | sort -n -r |...