MySQL is a widely-used relational database management system that is especially popular for web applications. Python, being a versatile programming language, offers several libraries to interact with MySQL databases. One of the most commonly used libraries is mysql.connector, which allows you to connect to a MySQL database, execute queries, and handle database operations.

In this blog post, we’ll walk you through the steps to connect to a MySQL database using Python and demonstrate how to modify table columns with SQL commands.



Before we begin, make sure you have the following:

  • Python installed on your machine
  • MySQL server installed and running
  • mysql-connector-python library installed (you can install it using pip install mysql-connector-python)

Step-by-Step Guide

  1. Import the MySQL Connector Library

    import mysql.connector

  2. Establish a Connection to the MySQL Database

    Use the connect method to establish a connection to your MySQL database. You need to provide the host, user, password, and database name.

    conn = mysql.connector.connect(






    cursor = conn.cursor()

  3. Define the SQL Commands to Modify Table Columns

    Create a list of SQL commands that you want to execute. In this example, we’re modifying columns in different tables.

    alter_commands = [

    "ALTER TABLE employees MODIFY COLUMN employee_id INT;",

    "ALTER TABLE employees MODIFY COLUMN join_date DATE;",

    "ALTER TABLE sales MODIFY COLUMN sale_amount DECIMAL(10,2);",

    "ALTER TABLE products MODIFY COLUMN product_info JSON;"


  4. Execute Each Command

    Loop through the list of commands and execute each one using the cursor object.

    for command in alter_commands:


  5. Commit Changes and Close the Connection

    After executing the commands, commit the changes to the database and close the cursor and connection.




Full Code Example

Here’s the complete code:

import mysql.connector

# Connect to MySQL
conn = mysql.connector.connect(
cursor = conn.cursor()

# List of tables and columns to modify
alter_commands = [
“ALTER TABLE employees MODIFY COLUMN employee_id INT;”,
“ALTER TABLE employees MODIFY COLUMN join_date DATE;”,
“ALTER TABLE sales MODIFY COLUMN sale_amount DECIMAL(10,2);”,
“ALTER TABLE products MODIFY COLUMN product_info JSON;”

# Execute each command
for command in alter_commands:

# Commit changes and close connection


  • Connecting to MySQL: The mysql.connector.connect method establishes a connection to the MySQL server.
  • Cursor Object: The cursor object is used to execute SQL commands.
  • Executing Commands: The cursor.execute method runs each SQL command in the alter_commands list.
  • Committing Changes: conn.commit saves all changes made to the database during the session.
  • Closing Connections: It’s crucial to close the cursor and connection using cursor.close and conn.close to free up resources.

This basic example demonstrates how to connect to a MySQL database using Python and execute multiple SQL commands. You can expand upon this foundation by adding error handling, logging, and more complex queries as needed for your specific application.